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At Ermitage International School, with over 80 nationalities represented, our students thrive in a truly multicultural environment from an early age. Discovering new cultures, sharing traditions, and opening up to the world are essential parts of their journey, helping them develop curiosity, empathy, and global awareness.

This week, our bilingual primary school celebrated Lunar New Year, a wonderful opportunity to explore the richness of Asian culture through immersive experiences and moments of sharing.

A dive into tradition

The school was beautifully decorated with paper lanterns and dragons to mark this special celebration. Our youngest students took part in creative workshops, crafting their own paper dragons and learning a Chinese song.

Students were introduced to calligraphy and Chinese painting, exploring these ancient forms of artistic expression.

Interactive and sensory experiences

They attended a kung fu performance and a tai chi demonstration before trying these disciplines themselves. They also practised using chopsticks and explored the richness of Chinese cuisine by tasting delicious steamed dumplings.

A grand finale

The traditional dragon dance, a symbol of prosperity and good fortune, brought this festive day to a close.

A huge thank you to Culture Chine France and Amicale de l’Ermitage for making this event such a memorable experience! At Ermitage, every celebration is an opportunity to grow as global citizens, connected through diversity and enriched by cultural exchange.

 Happy Year of the Snake!

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À l'Ermitage, nous vous offrons l'opportunité de choisir entre le programme national français, avec ses options bilingues, et le programme du Baccalauréat International en langue anglaise.

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