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DP 1 students, Ghassen, Rodolphe, and Federico have just started a new CAS project. These students have taken the initiative to collect old bikes the school has been keeping in storage, upcycling and restoring them to then donate working bikes to Ukrainian refugees in the Maisons-Laffitte area. The first step is to raise money within the school through donations and sales in order to be able to afford parts. More information on this will be communicated shortly.
These students all have experience with repairing bikes, learnt through years of riding and fixing bikes with their parents. They have now found a way to use this useful skill in a creative and humanitarian way. Well done! If students wish to help this project in any way, please contact any of the three directly either in person or using their Ermitage email address.
For parents, please contact who can then pass on any offer of help to the students.

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